Newsletter 19a
John Copsey Chairman
Re-Starts, Return to Sport and COVID-19 Updates
All meetings are run under Covid Regulations and Rules.
Racqueteers Adults
(Our initial & main club)
Meets at Langton Boys School, Canterbury, Wednesday - 7.30 to 9.00pm
Rates per meeting, £6.00. Pre-Book by 5.00pm on preceding Monday
RE-START 2nd JUNE 2021
Open to All
Racqueteers Junior Club
Meets at The Langton, Saturdays - 2.00 to 3.30pm
Rates per meeting, £5.00. Pre-book by 5.00 pm on preceding Thursday
Open to All
(League & Competition Squad)
Meets at The Langton every Friday evening 7.30 to 9.30pm
Invitation only
The RallyKats
Meets at Northgate Centre, Canterbury. Mondays, 7.30 to 9.30 pm.
Rates per meeting £6.00. Pre-book by 5.00 pm on preceding Friday
RE-START 17th May 2021
Social Pay & Play. Open to All
Wye Club & The Dover Club
No news about re-starts at Wye though it seems September is likely.
For Dover, we are currently looking at two new venues
Bookings and Payments
Please Note:
- For all of our summer meetings, players pay subs per meeting
- To attend all meetings you need to pre-book with Graham on
- Times and rates as per centre details above.
- As there is limited availability, you should not attend any meetings until you have received confirmation by email.
- Pre-payment is very welcome
- Some subs are still outstanding from earlier sessions, outstanding monies must be received before further bookings can be accepted.
Rules and Regulations for Players
If badminton players ignore or avoid such rules, then play and/or meetings will stop.
1. Essentially, be responsible and understand that others do not want to become unwell and/or spread Covid again
2. Hand sanitiser, use it always and regularly. Should you find that no sanitiser is available, your Covid Officer has a bottle with them.
3. Before you leave to visit one of our centres;
- Make sure you have a full water bottle and mark it with your name & avoid any re-filling
- Put all your kit into a proper bag
4. When you arrive at the centre, keep apart from all at 1.5 metres and wear a mask correctly;
- When you enter the centre, sanitize.
- Sit on a bench and keep that seat for the whole meeting time
- Keep your bag there; do not spread your kit around; do not share any of your kit including racket(s)
- Wear your mask properly, except when actually playing.
- You may find it useful to pull your mask down under your chin. If not, then leave it where
you sit - A shuttle must stay on one court. Should a shuttle arrive from another club, flick it back and do not handle it. If you require a new shuttle, wait until the Covid Officer flicks a new one to you.
5. When leaving;
- Having finished play, wear your mask, pack up your kit, sanitize and leave quickly
6. Toilets & Changing Rooms;
- Try to avoid using these facilities.
- Always arrive and leave in your sport clothing
- Should you need to use a toilet you must inform your Covid officer so they can thereafter disinfect.
7. Notes
- If you prefer a visor to a mask, we EXPECT - SOON to permit this.
- Always work with the Covid Officer.
- Don’t breathe on anyone
- Keep hands clean